The Green Party wants to use political power to make the economy fairer and greener
Molly Scott Cato explains the Green Party’s economic policies
Molly Scott Cato explains the Green Party’s economic policies
‘Allowing him power in a system that is largely dependent on gentleman’s agreements was like allowing a bull into a china-shop.’
‘Action on climate change is urgent and needs to be radical. Our 18th-century policy system is failing to respond.’
We need a political system where the climate-focused parties stand a real chance of succeeding says Molly Scott Cato.
The Greens stand ready to work as part of a truly progressive alliance. Image credit: LabourList
The EU should hold its nerve in the face of this nonsense, writes the Green party MEP.
The EU does not allow cherry-picking from its four freedoms
The right’s rhetoric in 2016 was frighteningly effective. Remainers need to be prepared and speak to the ‘left behind’, writes Green MEP Molly Scott Cato.
Far right populism wants to win over the world spreading fake news and disregarding true facts. MEP Molly Scott Cato explains how to counterattack.
Taking action to save our climate could yield yield huge economic gains. But the forces of business-as-usual are stacked against us.