Will 2015 be the year the world finally agrees a historic climate deal?
2015 represents the best opportunity world leaders have had to date to secure a global climate deal.
2015 represents the best opportunity world leaders have had to date to secure a global climate deal.
One positive effect of today’s European deal is that it should be more difficult for MPs to deflect attention onto the faceless bogie-man that is ‘Brussels’.
Climate has become such a low priority for European leaders that they see the horse-trading over jobs in the Commission as a bigger deal than efforts to avert climate change.
Chuka Ummuna’s statement last night puts pressure on the coalition to stop taxpayers’ money being used to fund fossil-fuel energy, writes Joss Garman.
The risk remains that the UK’s efforts on climate change could still be sabotaged by too much fossil fuel burning, and not enough renewable energy.
Joss Garman reports on climate sceptic report author Indur Goklany, who is linked to a number of oil industry funded US lobby groups.
Joss Garman exposes the million dollar links between climate sceptic scientists and the oil companies
David Cameron drilled a further nail in the coffin of the ‘greenest government ever’ myth, with his support for BP’s North Sea oil drilling plans, reports Joss Garman.
The people dubbed “deregulation zealots” and “right wing ideologues” by energy secretary Chris Huhne have seemingly won another battle inside government.
Joss Garman reports on David Cameron’s intervention in the row between the Treasury and DECC on the UK’s climate change carbon emissions targets.