Society of Editors ruthlessly mocked for ‘underwhelming’ donation towards diversity scheme
‘The industry body for the UK press previously found itself in the middle of a media storm after claiming no section of UK press was bigoted’.
‘The industry body for the UK press previously found itself in the middle of a media storm after claiming no section of UK press was bigoted’.
The government is hoping to alleviate skills shortages by recruiting individuals from all over the world. A key part of this is the recognition of foreign qualifications.
‘DISC Newquay says it has heard first hand from people who have had to leave the hotels to make way for police’
‘As a country that wants to stand proud at home and abroad, we have a moral obligation to the world’s poorest.’
‘While the likes of Joe Biden will be treated to vintage wines, it is worth remembering that Cornwall is one of the poorest areas in North West Europe’.
The government has pledged less than a tenth of the cash that the former schools catch-up tsar had requested.
‘Are democratic governance, the rule of law and our human rights under threat from practices which have institutionalised corruption in the UK?’
According to the People’s Vaccine Alliance, the nine new billionaires have a combined net wealth of $19.3 billion, enough to fully vaccinate all people in low-income countries 1.3 times.
Independence will act as a catalyst for radical change for England, writes Kenny MacAskill MP.
All of these MPs have done significant work to support disadvantaged communities this year