Politicians must embrace the shifting sands of democracy
Voting is no longer the only way in which people can be politically engaged.
Voting is no longer the only way in which people can be politically engaged.
Brighton Greens are to hold a referendum to let local people choose between cuts or paying a pound a week extra tax.
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists now account for over three quarters of the casualties on London’s roads.
Lewis Coyne is a member of SERA: Labour’s Environment Campaign. He writes here in a personal capacity. On Tuesday the Green MP Caroline Lucas was released on bail following her arrest in the West Sussex village of Balcombe. Lucas hadtest
Natalie Bennett, leader of the Green Party, argues that David Cameron’s desperation to “sell” fracking to a reluctant nation is making him look like a second-hand car salesman with a real clunker on his hand
The more we discover about air pollution in London the more we realise that we have been systematically conned.
The New Bus for London is an expensive vanity project which the next Mayor will abandon as an outdated and polluting waste of money.
Brighton and Hove’s Green-led council has been accused of “acting as agents for the Tory-led coalition” after a letter emerged which appears to contradict the council’s pledge to not evict council tenants who are unable to pay the ‘bedroom tax’.
If we don’t raise wages, control rents or reverse welfare cuts, we are going to completely price low paid workers out of London.
At the weekend, the Green Party took a formal step forward to solidify that position, as their spring conference in Nottingham voted with a majority of 71% to amend its constitution to commit to social justice and the “transformation of society for the benefit of the many not the few”. Their constitutional amendment should help strengthen their position as the only significant party to the left of Labour.