Key department for post-Brexit trade is drastically understaffed, Tory minister admits
The authority safeguarding the UK’s trade outside the customs union has just 25 staff – less than one tenth the required number critics say.
The authority safeguarding the UK’s trade outside the customs union has just 25 staff – less than one tenth the required number critics say.
Brexit is a form of illegitimate power grab closer to a soft coup than a democratic process.
Support for the party drops dramatically in the situation that they back Brexit at a general election, compared to a situation where they campaign against it.
To appease hardline Brexiteers, Downing Street said the UK is “categorically” leaving the customs union – going against what a clear majority of the public now want.
Previously unseen polling shows how difficult the Leave vote is to shift – even in the face of overwhelming economic evidence. We must build a vision for remaining in the EU.
The official analysis shows Britain will be worse off under every Brexit outcome. Now the public know the facts, it would be fair to give them another vote.
Advocates of ‘Lexit’ are wrong on almost every one of their arguments.
For £5,000 a day these Tories will get you access to key Brexit decision makers.
The government are clueless as to what will happen to UK-registered .EU domains when we leave the European Union.
The findings come ahead of a national Day of Action on the NHS – as Brexiteers try to wriggle out of their ‘£350m a week’ pledge.