Why national identity matters for the left
National identity still matters to minorities and the majority alike. Labour has to learn how to work with both. Sunder Katwala writes.
National identity still matters to minorities and the majority alike. Labour has to learn how to work with both. Sunder Katwala writes.
The ONS Quarterly Migration Report yesterday gave rise to media headlines about a big rise in immigration – even though immigration had hardly risen at all.
Seldom can any electorate have been offered a less attractive electoral choice than Sepp Blatter versus Mohammed Bin Hammam for the FIFA Presidency, writes Sunder Katwala.
Ken Clarke has claimed that the Alternative Vote would make it easier for extremists to be elected to Parliament. This is the opposite of the truth. But it is one of a number of questionable and misleading claims about extremism being made by opponents of the Alternative Vote.
The Labour Party will look at the case for holding an “in or out” referendum on European Union membership as part of the party’s policy review process.
A decision to move the Qatar World Cup to the winter might yet even finally provide the spark for an effective challenge to the unaccountability and misgovernance of FIFA.
David Cameron’s claim today that the government had managed to protect funding per pupil, and “on top of that” to then introduce a “pupil premium” was misleading.
Polling data shows an increasing number of people believe that spending cuts are being done unfairly, indicating the government has lost the fairness argument.
Eugenics simply isn’t part of legitimate political discourse, and modern Fabians don’t believe in it, writes Fabian Society General Secretary Sunder Katwala.
Nick Clegg used his Hugo Young lecture to unfurl a banner for the “new progressives”. But he chose not to set out what “new progressives” think about the causes of social mobility.