Relaxing worker protection to boost employment belongs to the last century
Declan Gaffney runs down the reasons why we shouldn’t expect any more employment if we cut workers’ rights.
Declan Gaffney runs down the reasons why we shouldn’t expect any more employment if we cut workers’ rights.
Declan Gaffney uncovers the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph’s latest smearing of disabled people, and asks whether the DWP had anything to do with them.
Declan Gaffney explains why John Humphrys is wrong on social security and welfare reform, ahead of the presenter’s BBC2 documentary on “The Future State of Welfare”.
Hundreds of thousands of families will be affected by the decision to means test ESA for those who have had disabilities since youth, writes Declan Gaffney.
Left Foot Forward’s Declan Gaffney explains that, despite the media spin, there is nothing exceptional about the UK’s 50 per cent top rate of tax.
Declan Gaffney takes apart the latest right wing anti-disabled anti-immigrant fearmongering in the press and amongst politicians.
DWP has acknowledged that one of the key statistics it has used to justify radical change to disability benefits ‘gives a distorted picture’, six months after Left Foot Forward pointed it out.
Drawing on ongoing analysis of benefit receipt due to be published this autumn, we can confront David Cameron’s ignorant narrative with some real-world evidence.
A closer look at ComRes poll, commissioned by the right wing Institute of Economic Affairs, that claimed the public agreed with them on the need for savage cuts.
The claim that migrants are disproportionately accessing jobs in Britain compared to workers of UK nationality is based on a simple misreading of the statistics.