Forget Grayling’s excuses: Record joblessness is solely the fault of this government
The TUC’s Richard Exell analyses today’s unemployment figures, explaining how they are directly connected to this coalition government’s current economic policy.
The TUC’s Richard Exell analyses today’s unemployment figures, explaining how they are directly connected to this coalition government’s current economic policy.
Emily Thomas explains why the government’s continued reticence to ‘lend’ money is deeply worrying for the UK’s economic recovery.
Today’s disastrous unemployment figures have been greeted with a sense of shock and deep concern across the devolved nations, reports Ed Jacobs.
While the Lords votes on the NHS reforms, Labour will use an Opposition Day Debate in the Commons to debate the economy, reports Left Foot Forward’s Shamik Das.
IPPR’s senior economist Tony Dolphin looks at the key economic indicators and reviews the state of the economy in his latest economic update for Left Foot Forward.
Cameron’s speech turned out to be a trotting out of well-worn Tory tropes on spending, deregulation, family values, NHS reform, disability benefit reform and so much else. But there’s a lot of spin obscuring the truth.
The UK economy barely grew in the second quarter of 2011, GDP up just 0.1 per cent, as the IMF said deficit reduction should not be at the expense of growth.
The coalition has put all its chips on chancellor George Osborne getting it right on the economy, reports Left Foot Forward’s Ben Fox.
Emily Thomas is former Treasury Special Adviser and Director of Aequitas Consulting. This is an edited version of a speech she gave at a Work Foundation Labour Party Fringe Event, Innovate or Fail – the UK’s only route to recovery,test
Guy Shrubsole addresses Maurice Glasman’s arguments that Labour and the greens need to work together to build a new populist politics of the environment.