Respect MP George Galloway sides with Assange supporters
MP for Bradford West, George Galloway, has caused outrage online after relentlessly trying to discredit the women who have accused Julian Assange of sex crimes against them.
MP for Bradford West, George Galloway, has caused outrage online after relentlessly trying to discredit the women who have accused Julian Assange of sex crimes against them.
Out of 20 top economists who published a letter in support of George Osborne two years ago, only one was willing to reaffirm his approval of the chancellor
Eighteen-year-old Deepika Kumari is considered the world number one at Archery, but sadly finished her time at London 2012 without a medal.
With Rio hosting the Games in 2016, expect to see much more of London 2012 judo champion, the Brazilian Sarah Menezes, in the years ahead.
Winner of 10 gold Paralympic medals, Natalie du Toit intends to retire after her expected success at London 2012
Freeman was a huge hit in Australia during the 2000 Sydney Olympics, especially after winning the 400m and being chosen to light the Olympic flame.
Yaping Deng – a 4′ 11″ woman from China – has more titles in table tennis than any other athlete.
Many remember Tulu for the victory lap she took in 1992; a symbolic gesture that signalled the end of Apartheid on the track.
Nawal El Moutawakel: “I would wake up in the morning and say, I need to do this for the women of Arab states, African countries and Muslim women.”
In the face of criticism that she was too old to compete, Holland’s Fanny Blankers-Koen won four gold medals at the 1948 London Olympics.