Resignation or resolve? What progressive party leaders are saying as the UK leaves the EU
Sadness, indifference and opportunism are all on show as leaders comment on Britain’s exit at 11pm on Friday.
Sadness, indifference and opportunism are all on show as leaders comment on Britain’s exit at 11pm on Friday.
The Tories think delaying another independence referendum will help them. They shouldn’t be so sure.
“We’ve proven that workers can win for themselves and patients up and down the country,” one of the workers at Imperial NHS Trust said.
Proposed new migration rules seem to be ignoring a mounting recruitment crisis.
“Thank you for your courtesy, thank you for your integrity, thank you for your honesty. You have to succeed,” said the judge as he sentenced them.
We handed out 15,000 flyers and could have done more with more resources.
We need to radically change society, not just allow a few bright kids to move up in it.
They’re cutting more than 500 jobs.
As ministers nationalise the abysmal Northern rail franchise, Amelia Womack looks at the dire state of Britain’s privatised rail services.
“Everyone accepts that we’ll be leaving the EU on Friday,” the Labour leader’s spokesman told journalists.