The public are being left without a positive vision of the state
Disengagement from the state is aiding the rise of UKIP.
Disengagement from the state is aiding the rise of UKIP.
UKIP has short-circuited the left-right continuum and defied triangulation.
In other words, despite the headlines there really isn’t a great deal to argue with Chuka Umunna about.
It isn’t enough to promise only to ‘listen’ to working class concerns.
Whatever your opinion of the former prime minister, he certainly knows how to take the argument to Nigel Farage.
A closer look at 10 of the UK’s new representatives in Brussels is shocking, even by UKIP’s standards.
At least the UKIP leader avoids the dizzying spin which the voters are seeing through so clearly.
Left Foot Forward asked a number of leading progressives what they think Labour needs to do to defeat UKIP.
The answer to poverty isn’t to pitch one worker against another of a different nationality; it’s to combat the systems and structures that lead to such inequality.
All parties are failing to articulate a clear vision for Britain’s relationship with the EU.