UKIP’s new Brexit poster exposes the Leave campaign’s own ‘Project Fear’
Leavers are trying to scare people with immigration – and it’s working
Leavers are trying to scare people with immigration – and it’s working
Convoy to Calais is a powerful message of solidarity, but we must do more
Ahead of tonight’s ITV debate, here’s a reminder why Farage is no friend of workers
‘Their true intentions were clear from their banners, one with the term ‘Rape-ugees”
Hsiao-Hung Pai’s new book unflinchingly explores what the far right tells us about British politics and society
Any critique of Zionism should be built on understanding
Border control measures are being imposed on virtually every area of life in Britain
Trade union releases dossier on racism in the Conservative Party
PM avoids questions on tomorrow’s elections with attacks on Labour anti-Semitism
A new documentary by Trevor Phillips promotes the idea that Muslims are homogenous and threatening