Excuses, excuses, excuses: The Eurozone crisis, weakness in the US, or the wrong type of snow?
Alex Hern rebuts the FTs claim that the low growth the UK is experiencing is due to matters outside Osborne’s control.
Alex Hern rebuts the FTs claim that the low growth the UK is experiencing is due to matters outside Osborne’s control.
The more interesting section of Ed Miliband’s speech at the Thomson Reuters building is on potential reforms to the banking sector.
Tony Dolphin lays out the plan for how to get small business involved in the future growth of the UK – and what they need to help
Paul Krugman has attacked the “austerity debacle” taking place in Britain, pointing out the UK is “nowhere close” to regaining ground lost during the recession.
The US economy grew by 1.7% in 2011 compared to 0.9% in the UK – almost twice as fast. The new figures put to bed Treasury spin that the two economies were on the same course.
Alex Hern reports on the support Lord Mandelson has given to the idea of a national investment bank, as called for by a new IPPR pamphlet
Alex Hern highlights the European Socialists’ demands for a pan-European measure to deal with youth unemployment, which costs €16 billion to the UK each year.
Alex Hern uses George’s Marvellous Deficit Calculator to examine what the news of GDP contraction means for the government’s flagship deficit reduction program
Paul Swinney of Centre for Cities presents the evidence to demonstrate why potential solutions to the unemployment problem must be focused at a city-wide level.
With George’s Marvellous Deficit Calculator you can predict the deficit in 2012/3 from growth in 2012