UnionDues: US unions have just suffered a huge defeat. Could it happen here?
Simon Sapper looks at a new measure in California that has set the clock back for gig economy workers.
Simon Sapper looks at a new measure in California that has set the clock back for gig economy workers.
Left Foot Forward’s roundup of the progressive news you might have missed this week.
The article paints a sympathetic picture of vigilantes who take it upon themselves to act as border force.
Left Foot Forward’s roundup of the progressive news you might have missed so far this week.
“The government turned a blind eye as gig economy companies cut corners on health and safety,” the IWGB union says.
What happens when office workers leave cities en masse?
They’ve been dumped on the scrapheap.
Turns out coronavirus does discriminate, after all.
The IWGB want proper wage protection and sick pay for millions of self-employed workers, amid the coronavirus crisis.
Dozens of academics call for new social rights to be introduced now to avert an economic catastrophe.