Economic update – March 2011
Tony Dolphin looks at the key economic indicators and reviews the state of the UK economy in his latest economic update for Left Foot Forward.
Tony Dolphin looks at the key economic indicators and reviews the state of the UK economy in his latest economic update for Left Foot Forward.
George Osborne has shown a great deal of determination in his efforts to tackle the fiscal deficit; it is now time for him to show the same determination in promoting output and employment growth.
The UK’s public finances were in much better shape in January than expected. There was a current budget surplus of £8.5bn and public sector net borrowing was -£3.7bn.
If today’s retail sales data is a true indication of the underlying trend in retail sales, then the economy is in better shape than many of the pessimists have feared.
Today’s UK trade figures highlight the scale of the task facing the government if it is to achieve its aim of rebalancing the economy, writes Tony Dolphin.
The year 2011 looks like being very tough as tax increases and spending cuts actually take effect, reports Tony Dolphin with the February economic update.
Fortunately, for now a majority on the MPC appear not to be too worried about a permanent increase in inflation expectations, writes ippr’s Tony Dolphin.
The Bank of England is right to focus on the future not the present, focusing on growth and employment, argues ippr’s Tony Dolphin.
Tony Dolphin challenges Oliver Kamm’s argument in The Times today that the Bank of England should increase interest rates immediately.
As the cuts debate rages, the ippr’s senior economist Tony Dolphin looks at whether the latest critique of Ed Miliband’s economic policy is justified.