How unions are fighting to defend print media
The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the massive change the printed media was already facing and with it a massive reduction of needed advertising streams.
The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the massive change the printed media was already facing and with it a massive reduction of needed advertising streams.
British, New Zealander and Australian trade union leaders come together to argue that workers rights must be essential to any trade deal.
Will the UK support a new minimum playing field for European wages – or try to undercut it?
The clock is ticking. With a few months to go, Boris Johnson’s trade deal with the EU is as far away as ever.
German unions are proposing a four-day week
Lukashenko cracks down on increasing protests after his election is widely seen as illegitimate.
A new report has laid the groundwork for less work, more flexibility and better parental leave options
If they have to quarantine, they should get full pay.
Johnson’s trade plans are falling apart by the week.
Working people across the EU need more.