Jobs or pay – we still haven’t got the hang of delivering on both
There are good reasons to worry that stalling earnings may stifle household demand
There are good reasons to worry that stalling earnings may stifle household demand
We should be cautious about seeing a labour market trend from a month or two of bad figures
As the prime minister boasted about the coalition’s jobs record, the reality was heading in the opposite direction
Real earnings are increasing but are too dependent on low inflation
Annual cuts to key benefits will take £17.9bn a year from working families by 2016/17
And getting back to pre-recession wages is going to take an awfully long time
But the quality of jobs is improving
We’re going down an uncertain path, with serious threats for working people.
Good unemployment figures but stagnant pay have been the story about each month’s jobs figures for a year now.
In the last two years, the number in employment in London has gone up by 312,000 – much higher than any other region.