Government investment is preventing soaring unemployment
The Future Jobs Fund and the Young Person’s Guarantee will be extended until 2012. The labour market is starting to recover far earlier than expected.
The Future Jobs Fund and the Young Person’s Guarantee will be extended until 2012. The labour market is starting to recover far earlier than expected.
Up to now this recession has hit men’s jobs harder than women’s, although the gender difference in unemployment increases has been less than in past downturns.
This new policy on parental leave provides families with more choice in their work/family balance, and allows children to spend more time with their fathers.
Right wing papers have reported a “record” gap between public and private sector earnings. But this includes nationalised banks – the gap shrinks without them.
The TUC propose that the job guarantee should be available to all adults who have been unemployed and claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance for more than 12 months.
While unemployment is continuing to rise, & the labour market remains fragile, the rate of increase in unemployment has been slower than we could have expected.
In the 1980s, 26% of 16-24 year olds were not in full-time education and either unemployed or economically inactive. The current figure is 21%, or 1.6 million.
Nigel Stanley of the TUC welcomes Reform’s new report on “The Front Line”