The Trade Secretary is building a team of free market ideologues
The Government’s trade strategy is for the shock deregulation of Britain. We have to beat it, writes Nick Dearden.
The Government’s trade strategy is for the shock deregulation of Britain. We have to beat it, writes Nick Dearden.
Why Global Justice Now are taking the government to court.
Johnson wants to make ‘aid’ about serving UK corporate interests.
Penny Mordaunt’s aid strategy is more focussed on private profit than helping people
The new US president wants to help corporations exploit workers
The European Council is meeting to discuss giving billions of euro to the brutal Turkish government to keep thousands of refugees inside Turkey
International investment courts would deprive member states of their powers to interpret and apply EU law
Rather than handing back power to people who have none, development is becoming a question of reining in those who already have too much
A new report shows that the success rate of cases brought by corporate giants under TTIP-like agreements is around 71 per cent
Climate activists challenge the unequal, unsustainable and militaristic policies on which terrorism has thrived