Police were ordered to “look for and engage” feminist protestors at Sarah Everard vigil
How did the police, with their long history of spying on protest groups, know who supports Sisters Uncut?
How did the police, with their long history of spying on protest groups, know who supports Sisters Uncut?
For as long as the police have existed, they’ve been misleading the press about protesters.
One Conserative told Sky News: “In Scotland, Boris is toxic”.
Trolling? Or just common decency?
While Boris Johnson was shaking hands with Covid patients, bus drivers were getting the disease and dying.
Increasing the costs of air travel is supported by all age groups, regions, classes, genders and political affiliations.
“Young people have shown more political leadership than most politicians in recent years, they deserve a real say in their future.”
The BBC Director-General is a former Tory council candidate.
The right-wing media have hyped up pro-Piers petitions and ignored much more popular ones.
The poll suggest Labour’s base is unhappy but staying loyal.