Glasgow and Edinburgh already have 20mph as default but other cities in Scotland do not
A Scottish Parliamentary committee has launched an inquiry into a proposal to make 20mph the default speed limit in built-up areas.
The Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee will look into Green MSP Mark Ruskell’s proposal.
Last year, polling commissioned by the Green MSPs found that, once don’t knows were removed, 54.7% of people said they support the introduction of 20mph default speed limits with only 29.3% of people opposing.
Mark Ruskell, Scottish Green MSP for Mid Scotland & Fife, said:
“I’m pleased to see the REC Committee asking for views on my bill, which aims to make our streets safer and healthier places to live, work and play.
“When I consulted last year in drawing up my bill, I received a huge amount of evidence from communities across Scotland frustrated at the current complex and patchy process for getting safer speed limits in town centres and residential areas.
“20mph is popular with the public, enjoys cross-party support and expert backing, and will undoubtedly reduce accidents and saves lives. I look forward to the Committee gathering views and scrutinising the bill in the months ahead.”
According to the Twenty’s Plenty campaign, more than half of the UK’s largest 40 urban authorities already have a 20mph default speed limit. These include Glasgow and Edinbugh but not Aberdeen, Dundee or Inverness.
Joe Lo is a freelance investigative journalist and writes for Left Foot Forward. You can follow him on twitter here.
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