Conservative Lord accused of ‘staggering u-turn’ on renters’ rights
Renters’ Reform Coalition analysis found that one in three peers scheduled to speak in the debate were landlords themselves
Renters’ Reform Coalition analysis found that one in three peers scheduled to speak in the debate were landlords themselves
The Tory MP said ‘we would not have been able to roll out that vaccine as quickly as we did’
Despite the costly media training, Braverman was later sacked for a media outburst
Joining the group would enable the UK to trade with the EU and 24 other countries tariff-free
He allegedly wants to “engineer a reverse takeover” of the Tories with Reform UK
‘There’s being bold and there’s being plain bonkers’
‘I will acknowledge the Conservative Party made mistakes’
The activists were accused of damaging a “specialist film” on the windows of the MP’s office
Angela Eagle’s one liner shut down Tory MP Sarah Bool
Starmer slams Tory leader for past silence on grooming gangs: ‘It’s only in recent days she’s jumped on the bandwagon’