Here’s how we can reset the economy and undo the damage done by neoliberal policies
‘It is only the visible hand of government policies that is condemning people to poverty and hardship.’
‘It is only the visible hand of government policies that is condemning people to poverty and hardship.’
The news you didn’t seek this week…
‘We live in a world dominated by corporations who control the supply of food, water, medicines, energy, transport, savings, pensions, deadly weapons and most other things.’
The news you didn’t seek this week…
A roundup of progressive news…
‘If the Government is serious about tackling inequality and levelling up, it needs to act to increase the incomes of those in poverty’
People from working-class backgrounds who enter ‘elite’ universities and professions still earn on average £6,400 less than peers drawn from the middle-class.
‘There has long been a profound mismatch between what those with a low income have, and what they need to get by’
Cuts to English council and schools’ spending have been larger in more deprived areas.
The news you didn’t see this week…