Green Party leadership election round up
It’s only a matter of hours before online voting for the leadership election of the Green Party of England and Wales closes.
It’s only a matter of hours before online voting for the leadership election of the Green Party of England and Wales closes.
‘Environmental policies aren’t ‘for the planet’ – the planet will be fine. It’s us, the people living on it, that these policies are for.’
Sian had called for members to give their first and second preference votes to either Tamsin Omond and Amelia Womack, or to Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay.
“It would be far better accepted if a white middle class man got up and said I believe in the principle aims of Black Lives Matter.”
‘It’s easy to assume that as time moves forward, our society becomes more progressive and accepting of previously marginalised groups. But the last few years have shown us that there is always a risk of sliding backwards on the rights of minorities’.
Anti-capitalism, progressive alliances, trans rights and more: here’s how the debate is shaping up.
Green Party leadership candidates Adrian Ramsay and Carla Denyer set out their vision for the party’s future
‘In our first 100 days as leaders, we will meet with the UK’s leading progressive thinkers and movements to understand and promote the best ideas for a low-carbon future’
The UK government should be guaranteeing refuge to all who need it and stop peddling arms
Former deputy leader Shahrar Ali and actor Ashley Gunstock have entered the race