Blue Labour exclusive: David, Ed, Glasman and community organising
Left Foot Forward presents exclusive extracts from Rowenna Davis’s new book, “Tangled Up In Blue”, looking at David and Ed Miliband’s thoughts on community organising.
Left Foot Forward presents exclusive extracts from Rowenna Davis’s new book, “Tangled Up In Blue”, looking at David and Ed Miliband’s thoughts on community organising.
Marc Stears is a Visiting Fellow at IPPR and Professor of Political Theory at the University of Oxford Ed Miliband had a stark message for Labour earlier this year: “Old Labour forgot about the public. New Labour forgot about thetest
Left Foot Forward’s Alex Hern discusses what the latest polling data means for Ed Miliband, especially when viewed in the context of previous opposition leaders.
Will Straw previews new IPPR pamphlet ‘Still partying like it’s 1995’, by Graeme Cooke, which looks at new ideas for renewing and reconnecting the Labour party.
Refounding Labour offers lots of opportunities to non-members – if the resources are available.
The disability reform debate in the hall and the NHS debate outside are seemingly the only bright spots during the Liberal Democrat conference.
Nick Pearce, Director of the IPPR, nominated four American academics who are influencing UK politics for the most influential left-winger of 2010/11
Bad blood is continuing to run in the SDLP leadership challenge, which may spill over into a three-way contest.
Labour and the Greens have much to learn from each other- if they can find a way to co-operate
Becoming a social movement has sound principles and is smart politics – it should be where Labour organisationally steals a march on our rival parties in government.