Liz Truss ridiculed after passing judgement on leadership credibility to Kamala Harris 

'A lettuce has more self awareness than Liz Truss'

liz truss advice fox news

Liz Truss has been widely mocked after dishing out criticism to Vice-President Kamala Harris on American TV, as social media users pointed out the irony. 

It came after Joe Biden announced he would drop out of the presidential race and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate in the upcoming US elections. 

The former British Prime Minister has been attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where she had already made bizarre comments about a shower head, which drew comparisons by some viewers to her infamous ‘pork markets’ speech ten years ago. 

This week in an interview with Fox News Liz Truss was asked for her opinion about Kamala Harris, with her response receiving an equally despairing reaction from viewers. 

Truss was asked by the presenter: “Do you think Americans have a problem with women in power?”

In her response, Truss managed to pronounce Kamala’s name wrong before attacking the “crazy situation” under which she said Harris “got the job”. 

Truss replied to the question: “No I don’t, I think there have been some brilliant women in politics but I don’t think Kamala Harris is one of them.”

She said Kamala had “not delivered as Vice President” and that she “got the job now because of the crazy situation with Joe Biden retiring at the last minute”, before claiming Harris “has not proven as Vice President that she can do the job.”

Truss said: “She’s got the job, she’s got the nomination or she’s about to get the nomination in what is a very very bizarre scenario.”

She went on: “We’re going to see a situation similar to what we saw in the UK, I think there will be a landslide against the incumbent party because they have not delivered for the American people.”

Social media users found it hard to digest the criticism dished out by Truss, given her own dismal record as the shortest serving prime minister in the UK outlived by a lettuce. It comes as a recent report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies found that soaring mortgage rates driven by her disastrous mini-budget had pushed a further 320,000 people into poverty. 

One X user responded: “There is no subject on earth Liz Truss is less equipped to pass judgement on than the competence of other world leaders. If they’ve done anything other than detonate their economy, they’re doing better than her.”

Journalist Jon Sopel said: “Oh golly gosh. Liz Truss saying Kamala Harris has proved she’s not up to the job as VP. My ironymeter has just exploded into a million tiny pieces.”

Another social media user wrote: “A lettuce has more self awareness than Liz Truss.”

Hannah Davenport is news reporter at Left Foot Forward

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