Chart sums up how much of a failure Brexit has been

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Even former UKIP leader Nigel Farage had to concede that the decision to leave the EU had been a failure

Brexit and EU

A chart produced by the FT shows just how much of a failure the British public think Brexit has been.

It comes after even former UKIP leader Nigel Farage had to concede that the decision to leave the EU had been a failure after being presented with the evidence on just how much damage it had done to the economy.

The chart below is based on a YouGov tracker on public attitudes towards Brexit, which shows that nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of British voters now think that the decision to leave the EU has on balance been a failure, while just 9% consider it “more of a success”. A further 20% describe it as neither, while the remaining 9% are unsure.

While Remain voters overwhelmingly believe Brexit has been a failure (89%), Leave voters are split: 37% also say it has been more of a failure, while 35% see it as neither a failure nor a success, but only 20% currently consider it mostly a success, according to YouGov.

(Picture credit: FT)

The poll comes after a Times poll found that both Leave and Tory voters think Brexit has been a failure.

The poll shows that 37% of Leave voters believe Brexit has a been a failure, with just 20% saying it a success and 35% sitting on the fence.

Meanwhile, 38% of Tory voters think Brexit has been more of a failure, compared to 22% of Tory voters who think it’s been more of a success.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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