Liz Truss paid over £65k for one speech

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How much would you pay to hear from Liz Truss?

Liz Truss laughing next to a union flag

Liz Truss lasted just 49 days in office as prime minister. Her chaotic premiership was famously outlasted by a lettuce, and even the Conservative Party has sought to completely disown her time in office.

But somehow, she’s still pocketing a pretty penny for speaking engagements. According to a report in the Mirror, the former prime minister was paid £65,751.62 to attend a conference in India for just four hours.

That engagement is one of the many speaking gigs Truss has been taking in recent months. She was paid £6,500 to address Tokyo University in February. And earlier this month, she delivered a speech in the USA to the right wing think tank the Heritage Foundation.

That last speech attracted widespread ridicule as she insisted her disastrous diagnosis for the economy was the right one, and suggested that the ‘deep state’ had blocked her agenda for the country.

One has to wonder why organisations are throwing cash around to hear from the shortest living prime minister in history, who’s biggest legacies were a trashed economy and a 20 point polling lead for the opposition.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

Image credit: Simon Dawson / Number 10 Downing Street – Creative Commons

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