BREAKING: Crowdfunder launched to build a better media

The right have deep pockets – and they won’t stop until they’ve won. Now it’s your chance to turn the tide.

In 2009, Left Foot Forward, a home for independent, progressive journalism was born.

For the past ten years more than 1,200 contributors (and growing) have built a platform for hard-hitting evidence-based analysis of British politics.

We’ve reached millions of people. Over the past few years we’ve:

We can’t keep doing this without raising £10,000. The truth is, running a progressive media outlet is hard to sustain. We aren’t backed by powerful figures like Rupert Murdoch.

What keeps us going is our readers and contributors. We urgently need to raise £10,000 or we won’t be able to keep our fight for a better media alive.

Please donate £10 or £20 today to support another 10 years of independent journalism.

Your support will mean we can:

  • Keep reporting from the frontlines of campaigning
  • Maintain Left Foot Forward as a platform of open, progressive debate
  • Hold the right’s feet to the fire through fresh commentary and analysis
  • Keep paying our small team a living wage

But we want to be ambitious. If we raise £15,000, we will be able to:

  • Find and pay for exclusive stories that expose wrongdoing and hypocrisy
  • Fund monthly polling to put progressive issues at the top of the news agenda

And if we raise £20,000, we will be able to:

  • Hire regular columnists and experts to cover climate change, trade union activism and anti-racist organising
  • Explore long-term investigations into the world of right-wing think tanks and hardcore Brexiteers  

We’ve achieved a lot – but we can do so much more: to not just keep LFF going as a leading news and comment site, but to become a force to be reckoned with.

Help us build a better media. Together, we can do this. Join the movement here – and spread the word.

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