Osborne’s ‘granny tax’ will sting those on a personal pension of just £67 a week
George Osborne’s ‘granny tax’ will hit new pensioners on a personal or occupational pension of just £67 a week, new research reveals today.
George Osborne’s ‘granny tax’ will hit new pensioners on a personal or occupational pension of just £67 a week, new research reveals today.
Vote in Left Foot Forward’s Budget 2012 survey. It closes at 12:00pm on Friday, March 23rd, with the results being sent out later that day in our weekly email.
Nigel Stanley assess the IFS’ green budget report, and finds that they are understating the effect of pension changes.
Cormac Hollingsworth reveals the government’s two-faced attitude to pensions; gold-plate the private sector ones, while cutting those of the public sector.
Steve Griffiths argues that raising the retirement age will harm more than just the nation’s finances – it will also harm the nation’s health.
Ed Jacobs runs through Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’s responses to the strikes.
Liz Snape explains why women are feeling the pinch from government’s attempts to steal away their pensions
The government is salpping a tax on public sector workers to clwar up the bankers mess. If ministers negotiate in good faith, a deal can still be done says Brendan Barber
Alex Hern explains why Tories in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones over low turnout
Nigel Stanley lays out the details on the difference between public and private sector pensions, and shows that like for like, they aren’t that different.