Rishi Sunak’s climate rollbacks at odds with latest international net zero advice
Report calls for less politics and more money on net zero pathway
Report calls for less politics and more money on net zero pathway
12 months after her shambolic premiership commenced, we look at the lasting impact of our shortest-serving PM’s disastrous attempt to remould Britain into a low tax, deregulated economy.
‘There should be no rewards for such dismal and nation-destroying failure and no rewards for those who enabled it.’
In truth Uxbridge is a poor template for the coming national election for either main party.
Like many a mad culture war trend peddled by the political right in the US, cries against ‘woke capitalism’ are advancing in Britain.
‘There is no requirement, either, for think tanks to be transparent about the sources of their funding.’
Will the Covid Inquiry bring profound and meaningful change, or will the government just continue to lie and coverup to save its own skin?
Orlando Fraser once stood as a Tory party candidate and is a founding fellow of the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), a right-wing think tank.
Leading a right-wing ‘think-tank’ seems to be another sure-fire way of transitioning to the Lords.
“Why should she be allowed to hand out rewards for failure?”