Could the election claim another leader’s scalp?
Doubts over whether Northern Irish party can be led from Westminster
Doubts over whether Northern Irish party can be led from Westminster
The Tories’ plans are a direct attack on basic freedoms
Crucially, Barry Gardiner had local businesses on his side, building economic credibility from the ground up
Scotland and Northern Ireland are not on board with scrapping the laws
What works for Manchester might not work for Leeds – it is important that governance models are adaptable
Only those in formal wear were allowed into the building to discuss ‘social cleansing’ of Sweets Way Estate
The election results show the capital has distinctive needs – and we need someone new to deliver them
We can’t win the argument for liberal rights by taking rights away
Sajid Javid has always been on the side of Britain’s worst bosses
Dominic Raab is no more keen on the Equality Act than he is on the Human Rights Act