Trump’s latest trade war should come as no surprise
As Liam Fox flies to the US to debate the President’s outrageous steel tariffs, it’s time for the UK and EU to speak with one voice on the issue.
As Liam Fox flies to the US to debate the President’s outrageous steel tariffs, it’s time for the UK and EU to speak with one voice on the issue.
The government must reject the buy-out of a key manufacturing firm if they are serious about protecting UK manufacturing.
A victory for the metal workers could prove a key step towards progressive employment in all industries as work is increasingly automated.
As it stands, the Customs Bill risks letting other countries deliberately undermine skilled jobs. Ministers need to listen up.
What can we learn from Europe’s largest union, which is pushing for members to work less for the same pay?
December saw the first ‘full on’ blitz on US workers rights by Donald Trump – posing worrying questions about any UK/US trade deal.
Our workforce is undereducated, exploited and demoralised – it’s no wonder productivity is dropping.
At a conference in Gothenburg last week, EU leaders urged Theresa May to commit to an agreement enhancing workers rights.
Both business and unions are uniting on one thing: talk of a no-deal Brexit is detrimental to jobs and investment.
They’re preparing for automation, which is likely to eliminate millions of manufacturing jobs in the future.