Can Labour win over Cambridge?
Deriding Ed Miliband as an Oxbridge elitist is to miss the actual problem with Labour’s leadership.
Deriding Ed Miliband as an Oxbridge elitist is to miss the actual problem with Labour’s leadership.
The Fabian Society are right to highlight the UKIP threat to Ed Miliband, writes Richard Carr.
What, ultimately, will Labour be about in the coming years?
As the party looks to respond to the referendum at party conference, Labour needs a distinctive and radical offer that delivers for England.
The First World War really did come home, and it had an impact way beyond the one million dead.
If Miliband can’t win on style, substance becomes more important, but I’m not sure Labour really understand this.
New polling reveals that Labour councillors are optimistic about 2015 but Ed Miliband viewed as a hindrance.
For all the FT’s attempted hatchet job, the left is right to fawn over Capital in the 21st Century.
Nick Clegg’s speech yesterday suggests perhaps not.
The argument that parliament would be flooded with a series of token women hardly stands up to scrutiny.