Grenfell showed government’s neglect of people living in social housing
Social tenants need more power over their landlords.
Social tenants need more power over their landlords.
The rich will always do better in life – we must reduce the gap between rich and poor.
We’re picking up the pieces to this day, writes Kevin Gulliver.
Private school privilege must be tackled
In some ways, its got worse
The final report from the Shelter social housing commission calls for more than 3m new social homes to be built over the next two decades, extended social tenants’ rights, and greater regulation of the private rented sector.
The government’s house-building targets are too low
The BBC host lamented the rising number of homeless people on the streets of Britain during the festive season, but forgot to explain why. Kevin Gulliver writes.
Why was the new Work and Pensions boss’ first Parliamentary statement to reject the United Nation’s findings on poverty?
National Housing Day: Tory plans will barely scratch the surface of the crisis in social housing, writes Kevin Gulliver.