Liberty depends on defending the freedoms of those who offend us
Only a robust defence of the right to be offended allows individuals to enjoy their own rights to self-expression.
Only a robust defence of the right to be offended allows individuals to enjoy their own rights to self-expression.
Investigating, examining, debating – and if necessary prosecuting – crimes done in our name is not a threat to democracy; it is intrinsic to it.
A few questions that every interventionist should consider.
When moderate Muslim groups use takfirism to tackle extremism, this intolerant doctrine is not challenged but reaffirmed.
Our government’s lunge for censorship suggests a fear among both officialdom and elected representatives that our society cannot defend itself against bad ideas
Too many young Muslims are going abroad to fight with ISIS – but we should talk about this without posturing or point-scoring. In June, shortly before ISIS’s take-over of large chunks of northern Iraq, British Muslim commentator and journalist Shariftest
However well-meaning attempts by non-Muslims to define Islam are, they are ultimately counter-productive.