This government cannot hide the blatant injustices of its policies on pay
Under the coalition prices have risen by just under 20 per cent, while pay rises for public sector staff have been around three per cent
Under the coalition prices have risen by just under 20 per cent, while pay rises for public sector staff have been around three per cent
The coalition has brought untold havoc to the NHS and treated the public’s most cherished institution with disdain
It is unacceptable that one in five health workers needs a second job to make ends meet.
Dave Prentis, the General Secretary of UNISON, on the government’s attacks on public sector pensions – and the damage the savage cuts will bring.
Nearly one in five of adults polled said they always or often struggle to pay their rent or mortgage, reports Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON.
George Osborne’s announcement yesterday of a review of employment law forms part of the biggest assault on workers’ rights in a generation, writes Dave Prentis.
Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, exposes the sickening tax-dodging companies ripping off the taxpayer by leeching funds out of the public sector.
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis reports on new research revealing families are cutting back on food, healthcare and kids clothes due to government cuts.
Dave Prentis, general secretary of UNISON, Britain’s biggest public sector trade union, on communities secretary Eric Pickles’s latest bonkers plans.
Union members are committed public sector workers who care for the sick, the vulnerable and help educate our children. They do not take action lightly, but this government is pushing them and their families too far.