If Nick Clegg genuinely wants this referendum to be broad based, cross party and wants this coalition period to usher in more plural politics - he must split the bill.
Our guest writer is Andy May, national coordinator of Take Back Parliament
With the referendum nine months away some may see arguments over the composition of a parliamentary bill as quibbling over formality and an unwelcome distraction. Unfortunately it’s more important than many people seem to realise – there is plenty of urgent work that needs doing to prepare the ‘Yes’ campaign.
But however much practical preparation on the ground is done the key thing is popular – and cross party – support for change. The Liberal Democrats must recognise that this bill is too important to be hamstrung by their Conservative coalition partner’s insistence that it must be combined with boundary changes.
The problem with the referendum bill as it stands is that it is married to the boundary review, a piece of legislation which is important enough to be a wholly separate entity. Splitting the bill would ensure that the bill is passed with the support and consent of the whole electoral reform movement – not just the Lib Dem contingent of it. By including hurried but far reaching boundary change legislation the Lib Dem leadership risks jeopardising the goodwill of Labour and Welsh and Scots nationalist electoral reformers.
John Denham, the well respected chair of the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform has already laid out his case for the reformists within the Labour party for opposing the AV referendum bill whilst supporting a referendum.
As he states there are some legitimate concerns around the way this bill is being presented. Although I don’t think it’s fair to call it outright gerrymandering he makes some good points. More work needs to be done to ensure individual voter registration is effectively and rapidly implemented.
And crucially any new boundary review based on the electoral roll and reducing constituency size risks skewing the electoral map by ignoring the 3.5 million unregistered voters residing mainly in less affluent urban areas. Stuart Wilks Heeg outlines these problems comprehensively in his Open Democracy piece.
The bottom line is that this is a controversy of the coalition’s own making – or rather a concession to the Tory part of it. The boundary legislation is extremely divisive, messy and an unwelcome distraction from what should be a clear timetable for a referendum on electoral reform presented in one bill. Given this area of reform is being billed by Nick Clegg as one of the most important compromises granted to the Lib Dems as a condition of coalition the passage of the bill should be conducted under their terms.
However much Nick Clegg may feel that Labour are being unfair to call it gerrymandering he should also recognise that it was a mistake to give in to Tory demands to combine the legislation. That mistake should be rectified by a separate vote on the referendum and boundary changes.
If he genuinely wants this referendum to be broad based, cross party and wants this coalition period to usher in more plural politics – he must split the bill.
62 Responses to “The AV referendum bill should stand alone – not shoehorned in with boundary changes”
Andy May
If it were the case that the Conservative party as a whole wouldn’t vote for this most vital piece of legislation for their Lib Dem coalition partners and risk bringing down the coalition I would agree with you Duncan. However I don’t believe this is the case.
Given that the Lib Dems would likely vote on the coalition line for a separate bill including the boundary review I can’t see the reasoning for the Tory leadership to vote against AV if the bill was split.
If Tory backbenchers and a few Labour dinosaurs do want to vote against the people there should still be the numbers to pass it. And if they do vote against it their true colours will be revealed. The ‘No campaign’ will be exposed as a bunch of people who are opposed to not only a fairer voting system but don’t even want to allow a public vote to happen. They will be exposed as the self interested political elites we already know they are and this can only benefit the longer term ‘Yes’ campaign.
I don’t think it would jeopardise the passage of the bill and I think it makes sense to act now to ensure the bill passes with smooth passage and consent rather than having an unnecessary party political argument over the wholly separate issue of boundary changes.
Clause 4 Moment
RT @wdjstraw: Important piece from Andy May of @TakeBack2010 on why boundary changes should be separate from the AV Bill http://bit.ly/bieAXu
Tobin Webb
RT @leftfootfwd: The AV referendum bill should stand alone – not shoehorned in with boundary changes http://bit.ly/bieAXu
funny, on the one hand the article declares the issue of elecotral reform to important to mess about with and then on the other passes the blaime for the labour party trying to block it. people own their own actions. labour leadership, this as you say is too important to mess about with so when push comes to shove support the people no matter what and support the bill instead of making up feable excuses (equal size constituencies are not exactly gerrymandering proposals) to use the populations chance of elecotral reform to political point score. anyone would think that after your 13 years in power when you could have adopted av, and then your noises that you will used some crap excuse to block it the first chance you get,you are as corrupt as the tories. stick to your manifesto – back the peoples campaign for fair votes. people will respect your maturity and progressiveness if you do.