Tories are pouring extra resources into Rishi Sunak’s seat amid panic PM is set to lose

Tory central office is panicked that the Prime Minister could be set to lose his seat

Rishi Sunak

Tory central office is panicked that the Prime Minister could be set to lose his seat at the general election and are pouring extra resources into his constituency.

The Times reports that there is growing concern that Sunak’s D-Day gaffe has ‘alienated the military at Catterick Garrison in his North Yorkshire constituency’.

There was widespread condemnation from both within and outside his party, after the Prime Minister decided to return early from D-Day celebrations.

Sunak made the decision to come home from France midway through the event, so he could record an interview with ITV which is not due to air until the following week.

With the polls continuing to show a consistent 20-point lead for the Labour Party, there is now a real concern that Sunak, along with a string of senior Tory ministers, could be set to lose their seats.

A recent Savanta poll published in the Telegraph predicted that the Tories could well end up on just 53 seats, with around three-quarters of the Cabinet set be voted out.

Those predicted to lose their seats included Sunak, as well as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, Penny Mordaunt, Grant Shapps, Suella Braverma and Priti Patel.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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