Libya: What is the endgame?

Amidst mixed messages from government ministers, there is an urgent need for clarity on the endgame in Libya, writes Matthew Pitt.

Are the cabinet split over Libya?

There is continued confusion today over where the government, or even the prime minister himself, stands over foreign policy in general and Libya in particular.

Four Cheers for the Government’s failure to stop Illegal Timber!!!

This week the Government are holding a drinks party to congratulate themselves on the new European Union directive on illegal timber. The directive is five years late. It is toothless and it fails to achieve the objective of putting an end to this trade that costs developing countries up to $15 billion each year.

Cameron is showing refreshing pragmatism on Turkey and Europe

David Cameron’s stance on Europe and the European Union seems to have turned on its head in recent weeks; earlier this week, he used his meeting with the Turkish prime minister to state Turkey’s case for EU membership – a crucially important issue for both Turkey and the future of the EU.

Hague’s actions on Europe not his words will show where he really stands

If we are to take something positive from William Hague’s speech yesterday, it is that senior Conservatives seem to have got the message that Britain’s role in the European Unioin is important. However, it has also exposed the emptiness of what the Cameron government has to offer on the international stage.