Comment: The “Establishment” can never be reformed if politics remains at the centre of it
Matt Pitt looks at the tight-knit nature of “The Establishment” and argues for the separation of it from politics.
Matt Pitt looks at the tight-knit nature of “The Establishment” and argues for the separation of it from politics.
Matthew Pitt argues why an independent Scotland would be foolish to keep the pound without the UK’s agreement
Matthew Pitt explains why the SNP can’t be smug about their unemployment figures, no matter what they may claim.
More gloom on the economy today: The IMF have downgraded UK growth by 0.6 per cent to 1.1 per cent in 2011, and from 2.3 per cent to 1.6 per cent for 2012.
With George Osborne’s policies in disarray, Ed Miliband needs to now step in, present a different explanation and, most importantly, come up with a credible Plan B.
Matthew Pitt on the debate on Plan B and banking regulation, and looks at what Labour needs to do next – plus a look at plans for a British Investment Bank.
In the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal, politicians now need to work together and focus on what really matters, writes Matthew Pitt.
The deputy secretary general and chief economist of the OECD, Pier Carlo Padoan, tells UK chancellor George Osborne to “slow down the pace of spending cuts”.
The OECD is starting to come round to Labour’s view of Chancellor Osborne’s cuts: they are too fast and too deep; Matthew Pitt reports from Parliament.
George Osborne, caught between conflicting interests, is not carrying out the necessary banking reforms to ensure the stability of the industry.