Six Tory myths about employment tribunal fees

Since yesterday morning, if your boss sexually harasses you, or sacks you for the colour of your skin, you will have fork out an eye-watering £1200 to have your case heard before an employment tribunal.

How pre-distribution could boost the wage share

There has been much discussion of the merits of prioritising ‘pre-distribution’ – of attempting to achieve a more equal distribution of the cake before turning to ‘redistribution’ through tax and benefits.

The minimum wage at 15 – fully grown-up?

There is a strong consensus that the National Minimum Wage (NMW) has been a success yet, quite rightly, we are still worried about low pay. Can we do more with the NMW, or should we be thinking about a whole platter of policies to bring about fairer pay?

Pensions – an unfinished revolution

Before Mrs Thatcher destroyed Britain’s post-war pension consensus, Beveridge had given us a decent state pension that kept up with earnings, and Barbara Castle had added an earnings related state pension (SERPS) to those whose employers did not provide a decent workplace pension on top.