Cameron’s ECR farce continues

The European Conservatives and Reformists group in the European Parliament has been struck another blow following the resignation of Michal Kaminski as leader.

Cameron meets anti-Gay Polish presidential candidate

David Cameron is today meeting Polish presidential candidate Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Downing Street. Kaczynski, along with many of Cameron’s far-Right European allies – described as “nutters, anti-Semites and homophobes” by Nick Clegg – has long been accused of extremism.

Polish Migrants: Coming or going?

The BBC’s story today on Polish emigration is wrong. The evidence reported does not disprove the claim that half the Polish migrants since 2004 have gone home.

Poland cannot veto Miliband

Guido Fawkes claims the Polish governing party says it will veto Miliband EU foreign minister role. But the decision will be taken QMV with no veto for Poland.

US axes European missile defence system

The White House will axe plans to deploy a theatre missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic concluding that the limited technical capabilities of the Iranian missile programme to date do not justify the costs in terms of both strained budgets and strained relations with Russia.