Media Watch: Press hails Hammond ‘threat’ to spill Putin secrets…a threat he never made
Misleading stories report a vague remark by the foreign secretary as a ‘British threat’ to take on the Kremlin
Watching the right-wing media
Misleading stories report a vague remark by the foreign secretary as a ‘British threat’ to take on the Kremlin
Alex Hern covers Baroness Thorton’s proposed amendment to the NHS bill. Will Tories and Lib Dems betray their own words as well as the NHS?
Tim Holmes explains why you should join UK Uncut on Westminster Bridge on Sunday to fight the coalition’s disastrous health and social care bill.
Andrew Lansley’s health reforms will be significantly amended, in response to the misgivings expressed by healthcare professionals and many Liberal Democrats.
To Tories bureaucracy is a dirty word, one step from Stalinism; however, to save their much-opposed health reforms, they are turning to bureaucracy in spades.
David Cameron and his supporters have a tough sell on the NHS bill changes; they have another coalition u-turn written all over them.
Under the coalition’s plans, the independent regulator Monitor, could have the twin role of promoting competition as well as integration of care.
David Cameron’s NHS pledges reveal coalition insecurities. Some have already been compromised and others represent the antithesis of Lansley’s reforms.
NHS Oxfordshire, the Primary Care Trust covering David Cameron’s constituency of Witney, told us they have not organised a single listening even.
Labour’s Katy Clark writes on police abuses of power in recent years and why the HMIC may be limited in what they will and can do, and in the people’s trust.