Three key messages from Natalie Bennett’s speech to the Green Party Conference
The Greens are launching a positive campaign on EU membership, but don’t want to let the Tories off the hook
The Greens are launching a positive campaign on EU membership, but don’t want to let the Tories off the hook
Failure to release national insurance data fuels claims of a migration cover-up
David Cameron promised to welcome 20,000 Syrians — by the end of December 2015, just 1,085 had arrived
Voters don’t trust the EU to implement Cameron’s deal, new poll suggests
If demolition goes ahead, charities fear they will lose contact with hundreds of children living in the Calais refugee camp
The predictions for 2016 suggest a continuation of humanitarian crisis, politicised statistics and poorly-conceived policy responses
HMRC refuses to release figures on the number of migrants claiming benefits
A newly released Runnymede Trust report reveals differing public attitudes amongst ethnic minority Britons on immigration and Europe. In the coming EU referendum, addressing the prevailing concerns of BME voters would substantially shape the debate.
The UK is the only EU nation not to impose a time limit on immigration detention
If properly managed, diversity could present one of the UK’s greatest opportunities