Over a third of England’s homes will be at high risk of overheating as temperatures reach new extremes, think tank warns
The report also warns that when it comes to work, older workers are a particular risk of heat stress
The report also warns that when it comes to work, older workers are a particular risk of heat stress
What the Sun also fails to mention is that its five-point manifesto bears a striking resemblance to the ‘five core campaign objectives’ of FairFuelUK
He quit the government in June, saying he was ‘horrified’ at Sunak for having ditched promises to protect the environment.
The Heritage Foundation is leading on the plan dubbed Project 2025.
“Rishi Sunak – Oil Profits or Our Future?”
‘It is on the wrong side of history’
Just a coincidence?
The fossil fuels giants will sell the oil and gas to the highest bidder – and the global price will be the price we all pay should it make its way into our energy system.
‘We’re almost desensitised to BP’s profits’
In truth Uxbridge is a poor template for the coming national election for either main party.