TTIP all over again: Liam Fox’s plans for total secrecy in trade talks
If you think the Brexit talks have been secretive, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
If you think the Brexit talks have been secretive, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Get ready for a decade of secret trade deals.
Labour MP Heidi Alexander says the government’s plans for a hard Brexit are looking weaker by the day – and says voters have the right to think again.
Tom Brake MP urges the Labour Party to back the Lib Dem’s call for a referendum on the deal.
The government are going against the public, business leaders and even their own backbenchers trying to scrap the working time directive.
The most reliable estimate so far shows we’re losing almost exactly as much as what Brexiteers said we’d gain.
And the health service could really do with the money to avert a care crisis this winter.
Don’t let them U-turn on their promise to protect workers’ rights post-Brexit.
The eleven Tory rebels won us a “meaningful vote” – we need to make it count.
At every stage, the PM has sidelined our elected MPs to force us out of the EU