Did David Davis just accidentally admit we can halt Brexit?
When the facts change, the public can change their mind…
When the facts change, the public can change their mind…
And Labour and Tory MPs disagree with the party leaders on a host of other Brexit issues.
Brexit will destroy relationships, sunder families and narrow the outlook of future generations.
It was grossly unclear what people were voting for the first time around.
It’s in the US’ interest for us to break all ties with the EU. But to stand up to bullies like Trump, we need real negotiating clout.
The party’s plan to end Freedom of Movement after Brexit is a betrayal of their own ideals.
In a candid interview with Left Foot Forward, Kate Green MP tells the site Brexit can be stopped – and backs fresh vote if deal is unworkable.
74 per cent of Labour Party supporters back a referendum in the event of hard Brexit, an increase from 70 per cent last month.
Shock BMG poll for Left Foot Forward shows majority back fresh vote if talks fail.
Voters are in the dark when it comes to parties’ views on how we leave the EU.