Voices on the Left: 5 blogs from the left you need to read this week
A roundup of progressive news…
A roundup of progressive news…
The former Brexit minister didn’t take criticism of his comments well, accusing commentators of ‘careless reporting’ and having not read the speech first.
Implications of Brexit have reared their head once more – at the worst possible time.
‘The UK government says it now believes that the US federal structure opens up opportunities to reach deals on a state by state basis’
In a week that brought confirmation of the detrimental impact the UK’s departure from the EU has had on trade, Brexit opportunities minister insists Brexit has been a success.
‘I implore you all to write to me with the regulations you want abolished’
The uber-Thatcherite Tory MP is once again spamming Parliament with low quality legislation, but why does he do it?
Labour’s Shadow International Trade Secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds said the Government is “considering dropping animal welfare and food standards and allowing hormone-treated beef into UK markets.”
‘Mogg, early on the lookout for those myriad Brexit opportunities…’
As Johnson announces a Brexit Freedoms Bill, tension over the UK’s departure from the EU heightened this week among leading ministers.