Much ado about music lessons

Some Muslim pupils are being withdrawn from music lessons on religious grounds; Left Foot Forward assesses why music is singled out in this way, particularly given the increasingly multi-faith and multi-cultural nature of our educational institutions.

Derry to be first British culture capital

And the winner is… Londonderry! Or should that be Derry? Apparently it’s both these days. The ‘Derry-Londonderry’ bid was announced last night as the first British Capital of Culture for 2013.

Are the arts being targeted as an easy hit for spending cuts?

In his Budget statement last week, George Osborne set an ambitious goal for October’s comprehensive spending review, namely an average 25 per cent reduction in spending across all Whitehall departments; in light of such stretching targets, are the arts being lined up as an easy hit?

Mozart and Lily Allen: Not such strange bed fellows

In a story about the launch yesterday of the National Year of Music by Ed Balls, the Express highlighted the explicit content of music by NDubz, Lily Allen and Guns N’ Roses, claiming it will “dumb down music for millionstest