For all its faults, the world needs a strong France
And lack of economic ‘reform’ is thanks to the right rather than the left.
And lack of economic ‘reform’ is thanks to the right rather than the left.
A renewed enthusiasm for social investment would be a natural corollary to the Labour narrative on ‘inclusive capitalism’.
Still think voting is pointless? A Labour council has just saved an award-winning school which the Tories had planned to close.
It’s absurd to the blame the NHS for such a sensitive, unresolved case.
Left Foot Forward founder Will Straw picks his songs of 2013.
The new leader of the giant German union IG Metall, Detlef Wetzel, has warned German companies operating in the US against violating employment rights and opposing the right of workers to form unions.
The Coalition’s reforms to Judicial Review are anti-democratic and obnoxious.
Free speech is not designed only to allow tolerable attitudes. We do, however, expect elected representatives to uphold certain values – should they speak otherwise we are in our rights to demand they stand down from their position.
Last week justice secretary Chris Grayling withdrew his proposal to deny those accused in the criminal courts and reliant on legal aid the right to choose who will represent them.
Larry Smith’s weekly round up of American politics.